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Andrew's GM Application

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Andrew's GM Application Empty Andrew's GM Application

Post  Andrew Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:16 pm

We need you to tell us:
1. Your name Andrew K.
2. Why you want to be a GM. I'm experienced and mature. I love to help, and I'm calm under pressure situations and I don't mind following rules.
3. Do you have experience with other private servers? Yes. Tree-wow. Hailstorm's servers(all pre-TBC/TBC ones) Murloc-WoW. Calem-WoW. Bloodline-WoW.
4. Can you advertise for our private server? (Not necessary but useful )I don't tend to advertise, but I will if it is needed, my brother has Fraps, so I can make videos if it's needed.
5. Do you speak English well? Yes.
6. What makes you better than the average player? I'm experienced. I have six years of game play under my belt. I've done about 3 years on private servers and about the same on retail. I've always been a high end gamer on retail, so I have knowledge of the game. Of the 3 years I've been on private servers, 1-2 of them are as a GM/Admin. I'm also mature, and I can handle pressure situations calmly and I play fair no matter what.

What is expected of you as a GM:
1. We expect you to be able to get information off the internet (Research GM commands!) I know most all commands for ArcEMU and Trinity. I have addons for both, too.
2. You need to be able to stay focused. So, if you have the attention span of a squirrel, it's probably not a good idea to apply. In my life, all I do is stay focused, school etc. I can be focused and stay focused.
3. You need to be able to be responsible with the power we bestow upon you. I do not abuse GM commands, I do not restart the server or do anything to the server unless told to do so.
4. You need to communicate with us! Don't be afraid to talk to us! I'm a very sociable person, this won't be an issue. Wink
5. Know that we respect your ideas and value your opinions, so if you have an idea post it in our "Ideas" forum. Always! Smile
6. If we aren't working on a project, please please please don't start your own! (Unless you have permission)I don't like doing projects on my own. (Must be why I failed science last year!) Razz

Last edited by Andrew on Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Age : 30
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Andrew's GM Application Empty Re: Andrew's GM Application

Post  Infected Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:14 am

Dear Andrew i think you have to change your font color because i think its not the readable .

EdiT: now its better Very Happy

Posts : 26
Join date : 2011-06-28
Age : 25
Location : Some Place on the Earth Called "Home"

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