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would i make a good gm?

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Total Votes : 5

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Post  ranger001 Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:34 pm

We need you to tell us:
1. Your name: zak hahn
2. Why you want to be a GM: i just really like helping players/making sure they have a good time
3. Do you have experience with other private servers?: ive had my own with 3 or 4 players + ive played on gm servers
4. Can you advertise for our private server? (Not necessary but useful Very Happy ): no sadly
5. Do you speak English well?: only language i speak
6. What makes you better than the average player?: i have exp in pvp and raids so i can help players spec/gear

What is expected of you as a GM:
1. We expect you to be able to get information off the internet (Research GM commands!): i have my own skyfire emu emulator compiled for myself
2. You need to be able to stay focused. So, if you have the attention span of a squirrel, it's probably not a good idea to apply Very Happy: i am one of thouse people who sit and do things for hours on end
3. You need to be able to be responsible with the power we bestow upon you Wink: yes i will occasinoly if its a slow day i will have fun with players(mod scale or display id)/host events
4. You need to communicate with us! Don't be afraid to talk to us!: to contact me go on my da or email me (admin plz pm me for my da acct)
5. Know that we respect your ideas and value your opinions, so if you have an idea post it in our "Ideas" forum:k and i will give some ideas
6. If we aren't working on a project, please please please don't start your own! (Unless you have permission):ok (my events will be pvp for conquest or valor)

side note: i do have a retail acct so i will be playing this/retail from time to time

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Post  James Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:47 pm

Yes from me. But you need to get response from tyler and Zach first.
Marked as pending

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Age : 29
Location : Birmingham,AL

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Post  Zach Tue Jun 28, 2011 3:21 pm

I'll say yes but it'd help a lot if you could find a way to advertise, even if your screaming at a cat down the street to join other people might hear it D:

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Post  ranger001 Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:30 pm

my acct is ranger001 can i hav gm since 2/3 voted yes?

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