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Lolzpvp -New- GM Application (Correct format View bolth though =D)

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Lolzpvp -New- GM Application (Correct format View bolth though =D) Empty Lolzpvp -New- GM Application (Correct format View bolth though =D)

Post  Lolzpvp Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:52 pm

We need you to tell us:
1. Your name
2. Why you want to be a GM
3. Do you have experience with other private servers?
4. Can you advertise for our private server? (Not necessary but useful )Yes I can advertise Triplexwow, Deviantwow, rebel wow, Hellowow, Maelstrom wow, and many more.
5. Do you speak English well?
6. What makes you better than the average player? I'm nice, creative, I have good grammer, lol, I'm smart, I'm good at hands on work and speech, I can talk non stop, I have alot of experiance, and very outgoing.

What is expected of you as a GM:
1. We expect you to be able to get information off the internet (Research GM commands!) Not a problem at all!
2. You need to be able to stay focused. So, if you have the attention span of a squirrel, it's probably not a good idea to apply. All good.
3. You need to be able to be responsible with the power we bestow upon you Very responsible I had my fair share.
4. You need to communicate with us! Don't be afraid to talk to us! Yeah no problem i'll post a couple forum posts a day.
5. Know that we respect your ideas and value your opinions, so if you have an idea post it in our "Ideas" forum Thats soon to happen once I get rolling and you guys can open new threads i'll be posting like crazy.
6. If we aren't working on a project, please please please don't start your own! (Unless you have permission) Ok, that's fine with me.
I'm gonna add additional info about me just to let you guys know more.
Additional Info: I've had alot of work with Java script, Lua, and C++ I have made a few trainers. I'm not professional. I do know a little bit about the stuff. I worked in the Database system (HeidiSQL/Navicat) I'm familar with alot of stuff. I'm a fast learner cool person. Creative I like to talk. Share my Ideas. Just plain nice. I can do alot of things a normal player can't do like. Speak right. (Grammer) I have fluent English. Go ahead ask me my Synonyms lol jk. I'm very fun. Good at creating events malls ect. You can tell me anything and I'll do it. ^^ Thats about it.

Making me a GM will be a real treat =)

Your player,

Junior Member

Posts : 7
Join date : 2011-06-30

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