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If You Want To Apply For DEVELOPER Read This!!!!!

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If You Want To Apply For DEVELOPER Read This!!!!! Empty If You Want To Apply For DEVELOPER Read This!!!!!

Post  Infected Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:10 am

We need you to tell us:

1.Your Name:

2.How Old are you?:

3.Where Are you From?:

4.Are you Able To Speak English Well ?:

5.What time zone are you in? {EST, CST, etc}:

6.Have you ever been banned before? If yes Why?:

7.How much time do you play weekly?:

8.How much time can you dedicate to being Developer?:

9.Do you have previous experience as a Developer

10.What servers have you Developed on? How long were you a Developer there for? If the server is still up,write its name if its still on.:

11.(if you are a C++ Developer)Provide some Code made by YOU, this can be anything except off topic scripts that have nothing to do with WoW, explain what it should do.

12.Provide the SQL code to fix the following error:
ERROR: Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not creature template
(Entry: 32832) without vendor flag, ignore

13.How long have you played WoW?

14.How long have you played on Zach's WoW server?:

15.Anything else you think we should know?

What is expected of you as a Developer.:

1. You need to be able to be responsible with the power we bestow upon you
2. You need to communicate with us! Don't be afraid to talk to us!
3. Know that we respect your ideas and value your opinions, so if you have an idea post it in our "Ideas" forum
4. If we aren't working on a project, please please please don't start your own! (Unless you have permission)


Posts : 26
Join date : 2011-06-28
Age : 25
Location : Some Place on the Earth Called "Home"

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If You Want To Apply For DEVELOPER Read This!!!!! Empty If you are not able to read.

Post  Infected Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:11 am

If you are not able to read this please send me a private message and ill try to fix it.

Posts : 26
Join date : 2011-06-28
Age : 25
Location : Some Place on the Earth Called "Home"

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